We are a birth justice organization whose mission is to eliminate the inequities in birth outcomes for all childbearing people and to ensure that all birthing families receive respectful and supportive maternity and infant care.
Here you will find links to organizations, information, books, documentaries, videos, and DVDs that can be helpful to you during pregnancy, as you are planning your birth and navigating life as a newly-postpartum and nursing parent.
Birth Justice is a movement that believes when birthing people recognize their innate power to make the best health decisions for themselves and their families, that power will have a transformational impact on their family and community.
Learn more about birth doula training workshops offered by Birthnet NY and community events hosted throughout the year.
Learn more about the comprehensive birth doula services and breastfeeding support offered in The Capital District of Albany, New York and surrounding areas.
BirthNet envisions a community where all childbearing people achieve optimal health outcomes through respectful, culturally appropriate, high-quality, person-centered care. In 2021:
How to get involved:
Learn more about our work by downloading our 2020-2021 report: Maternal & Child Health: Advocating for Respectful, Compassionate, & Equitable Care in Our Community.
Join our next full spectrum doula training or find a doula in your community.
Volunteer or set up an internship with BirthNet New York.
Donate to support our work in the Capital Region of New York.

Everyone deserves an empowered birth experience where they are honored and respected for who they are, not treated differently, disrespectfully or inadequately because of who they are.”
- Kimberly Seals Allers
Since 2001, BirthNet has led the way in bringing together many stakeholders - professionals, policymakers, and families - to work for a healthy, research supported wellness model of maternity care in the Capital Region.
In 2017, BirthNet began working on Birth Justice to address the wide disparities in birth outcomes in Albany, NY. More details are available here.
BirthNet is working to address the huge disparities in birth outcomes among African-American women and babies in Albany and the Capital Region of NY. We are uniquely poised with our experience, relationships, and values to plant the seeds and nurture the grassroots Birth Justice Coalition to build better avenues for all.
Using frameworks developed by Black women, we seek to bring together all stakeholders who are ready to mobilize on behalf of families, the building blocks of our society. We will continue to ask the hard questions, support one another as we undertake the true work of advocacy, and dig deep to develop lasting solutions.
We commit to holding the voices of the community most impacted in the center of this conversation and at the forefront of this movement.